Breaking Free from the Dieting Cycle: A Primal Health Coach's Guide to Sustainable Eating for Women in 2024

Diets As We Know Them Are a Thing of the Past:

As we step into 2024, the word "diet" has become more of a buzzword than a sustainable lifestyle change. I am so grossed out by the word altogether. Traditional diets, with their rigid rules and calorie restrictions, have been proven time and again to fail. Let's face it, nobody wants to count every single calorie, measure out every portion, weigh every damn plate of food and deprive themselves of their favorite foods forever. Not only is it not fun, it makes women feel shitty about themselves when they fail because they think it's because they are weak. They are not; the diet was impossible to adhere to initially.

As a Primal Health Coach, a millennial, and a woman, I've seen firsthand the negative effects that traditional diets can have on women's health and wellbeing. That's why I'm passionate about promoting a more sustainable and enjoyable way of eating that focuses on whole, nutrient-dense, animal-based foods and a more primal way of living.

Why Do Traditional Diets Fail?

For starters, they're not sustainable. Sure, you might lose some weight initially, but sooner or later, you'll slip up and binge on all the foods you've been denying yourself because most outdated diets have a fundamental basis in starvation.

Second, they don't address the root cause of the problem. Most women want to lose weight, right? Bodies hold onto weight because letting go of precious fat could leave them vulnerable to starvation during the long perceived winter ahead. Basically, a body carrying a lot of fat is still a hungry body, in the sense that it is undernourished and isn't metabolically flexible, meaning that it is "out of practice" when it comes to burning actual fat. We need to send the body out of "emergency storage mode" and into "I'm safe, loved, and thriving mode." This requires us to change the foods we eat and show our bodies much more love and respect. They do a lot for us.

Third, how do I say this gracefully... You're effing hungry! Plain and simple. We can't starve women, send their bodies into a state of stress, and expect them to be able to control those instincts for long, especially since we are surrounded by an abundance of food pretty much all the time. The idea that you have to be hungry to look good is unhinged at best, and we aren't doing anymore, are we girls?

Additionally, traditional diets often focus on quick fixes rather than long-term health. They are usually rooted in shallow wants or ideals, promising that you'll become "skinny" and be able to fit into your low-rise Silver jeans from 2008. They don't teach you how to make healthy food choices, optimize nutrient delivery, read a food label to avoid unsupportive ingredients, or listen and respond to signals of hunger and fullness.

Lastly, and arguably most importantly, diets are NOT one-size-fits-all! Every 'body' is beautifully different, a unique fingerprint composed of varying life experiences, traumas, genetic predispositions, cultural influences, sizes, colors, you name it. Also, everyone varies when it comes to income, food availability, and willingness to change. It's crucial that when we pursue help with our health, our practitioner meets us where we are and considers our unique needs and differences when attempting to reach the root of the problem nutritionally.

The Primal Health Coaching Approach:

As Primal Health Coach, I help women break free from the cycle of yo-yo dieting and start living their healthiest, happiest lives! My approach utilizes holistic nutrition with a primal twist and involves zero bs. There is a lot of diet misinformation out there, most of it in the form of propaganda funded by our beloved healthcare system and pharmaceutical, food, and agrochemical companies (excuse me while I adjust my tin-foil tiara). I believe in emphasizing systemic nourishment via animal-based food; this includes red meat (preferably grass-fed finished if it's within your budget) and organic pastured eggs. This also means utilizing a significant amount of healthy fats (butter, tallow, ghee, lard, bone broths, coconut oil, avocado oil), full-fat dairy (raw dairy is best), and certain fruits depending on the severity of your health needs.

We need to treat our Bodies Better:

Another key aspect of my coaching is encouraging you to listen to your body's signals. Your body is your friend. Let's learn to access the intuition it wants to relay to us and tune in to the messages it wants us to receive. This requires that we respect this beautiful body of ours... It is, after all, the vessel that houses our soul.

As women, many of us are taught to believe our body is a lemon, a curse from hell sent to test the fabric of our sanity. Between starting puberty, bleeding every month, growing hair, bulges, and pimples in all the wrong places, missed menstrual cycles, painful periods, debilitating cramps, miscarriages, unsuccessful attempts to breastfeed, whirlwind post-partum depression, traumatic birth experiences, menopause, IT'S NO WONDER many of us hate our bodies! Seriously. This shit ain't easy, sister, I get it.

My point is, let's heal this wounded relationship. Let's start practicing the art of listening to messages, signals, hunger, and fullness cues and paying attention to how different foods make you feel. Does this make me tired? Sluggish? Maybe you ate something that gave you a headache? Eating intuitively allows you to enjoy your favorite foods without guilt or shame while prioritizing your health and well-being.

The best part? You don't have to do all of this alone! In my coaching practice, I support my clients every step of the way. I teach you how to make simple yet significant changes. This is sticky territory; forming new habits can be overwhelming without a solid professional to act as a sounding board for your experience. Lucky for you, I have had to do all this work on myself, by myself, so I know the ropes. This makes me a great coach and a great advocate. Whether you need help with meal planning, navigating social situations, or staying accountable, I'm here to help you achieve your health and wellness goals the right way.

Click here to book a free consultation call so we can get to know each other! I can't wait to meet you.


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Primal 101