Currently serving Doula clients in Butte, Three Forks, Helena, Big Sky, Bozeman, and everywhere in between!
Serving Health Coaching Clients anywhere via Zoom!
ALL services are versatile, flexible, and tailored to your specific needs.
Mix n’ Match services available!
Want to discuss a personalized birth and/or coaching experience, or get a price estimate? Book a FREE Consultation!
Health Coaching Services:
12 weeks of 1-on-1 coaching $2,100.00
A 60-minute phone/Zoom coaching call every week
Informational readings, resources, handouts, worksheets & videos
Access to me via our shared client portal
Weekly progress forms & check-ins
90-Minute Coaching Call: $280.00
A one-time 90 Minute Coaching Call, with payment upfront. This option is a great fit for someone who feels like a coaching package is too much of a commitment. If you’re independent & self-motivated, but you just need some high-quality tools & tips, this is the product for you!
Birth Doula Services:
Standard Doula Birth Support $800-$2,000
On-call support 24/7 starting at 36 weeks through to labor
Hospital, birth center, or homebirth support
In-person support from early labor through to postpartum, if desired
Informational resources & childbirth education as desired
Optional postpartum services, including nutritious ancestral meals explicitly designed for optimal postpartum healing, light housework, and nighttime infant care as needed or desired for up to 2 weeks postpartum.
My list of books, podcasts, businesses & contacts for related services in the Bozeman area
Up to 6 weeks postpartum access for support, calls, texts & emails during business hours
2 (1-2 hour) in-person prenatal visits where we get to know each other. At these sessions, we can discuss & implement
Your birth plan, expectations, fears, hopes & vision of how you want your birth to be
Birth Bag Checklist
The signs & stages of labor, & what to expect when the time comes
Partner preparation & support
Postpartum planning (as desired)
Supplies list
90-Minute Birth Education Call: $200.00
This one-time call is an excellent fit for those who might not want to hire a Birth Doula but who want access to high-quality educational resources that go against the grain & knows no bounds! Informed consent is at the epicenter of this call, giving women & couples access to ALL birth options, whether they pursue a medicated hospital birth or an unmedicated homebirth. This product is the perfect fit for women & couples who have more gritty questions that they feel they might not be able to comfortably ask their mainstream healthcare providers or their run-of-the-mill birth educators.
“Gardeners know that you must nourish the soil if you want healthy plants. You must water the plants adequately, especially when seeds are germinating and sprouting, and they should be planted in a nutrient-rich soil. Why should nutrition matter less in the creation of young humans than it does in young plants? I'm sure that it doesn't.”
-Ina May Gaskin