Reasons for IVF: Is it the only option?

IVF can be a sensitive subject for many people.

There are many reasons IVF will be recommended to women and couples when it comes to infertility, and it's important that you are aware of all of your options when you are faced with a possible infertility diagnosis.

It would be irresponsible of me to say that all cases of infertility can be treated with an ancestral type of diet alone. There are, however, many cases of infertility that can be addressed with better food and lifestyle choices; that’s where I come in!

Applying Ancestral concepts can also help boost IVF success if you are currently in the middle of that process! Remember, everybody is different, and every instance of infertility is unique to each individual.

IVF is such a gift, and I am so grateful we have such wonderful medical technologies to help us get pregnant. Still, many women and couples don't realize that some of the causes of infertility can be tackled with holistic measures.

Since IVF can be really expensive, time-consuming, and mentally exhausting, I think everyone can benefit by exploring all their options first. According to Lily Nichols, RDN, author of “Real Food for Fertility,” IVF and other medical procedures are being recommended to 90% of women today, compared to just 2% back in the 1980s.

In my opinion, women need to be adequately informed about all of their options based on their specific form of infertility.

Nutrition isn't the only way to tackle symptoms of infertility. Going non-tox for a while can help women regain their fertility along with a nourishing whole-foods animal-based diet. Women need to know that many of the products we depend on for hygiene and beauty can disrupt our hormones & the hormones of our unborn children.

PFOAs, phthalates & parabens are among some of the chemical offenders we need to watch out for. These are present in many of our makeup, hair, hygiene, and beauty products.

Avoid sources of artificial fragrances, such as plug-ins, candles, perfume, hair spray, shampoo, body wash, makeup, etc. If possible, avoid non-stick Teflon pans and microwaving food in plastic containers.


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