Why the Nutritional Guidelines Harm Fertility, According to a Health Coach (Part 2)
In the second part of this series, I express the harm the nutritional guidelines can have on American fertility. As a health coach, I believe the guidelines advertise corporate interest by buying its way into our governmental bodies, distorting information on health, prioritizing profits, and destroying the conception potential of the American people. I know it sounds crazy, but I believe our government guidelines result in poor fertility outcomes for both men & women. Removing saturated fat from the American diet has harmed our hormones and permitted the excessive overuse of polyunsaturated fatty acids (in the form of industrial seed oils) into most of our food. We are told to consume low-fat dairy so that the dairy industry can profit from displacing dairy fat into products like ice cream instead of where it belongs- in ALL of our dairy products as nature intended. We believe the unfortunate falsity that grains should be a large portion of our daily diets, which couldn't be further from the truth for humans on a species level. We believe that soy is an appropriate replacement for dairy and animal proteins when they are disrupting not only our hormones but also the hormonal development of our unborn children. As a result of the carelessness of our food system, we remain sick, overweight, exhausted, riddled with autoimmune issues, chronic disease, infertility, and metabolic dysfunction- as if we don't already have enough to worry about as Americans right now.