Why the Nutritional Guidelines Harm Fertility, According to a Health Coach (Part 3)

Do the Nutritional Guidelines Harm Fertility Part 3 Thumbnail

Part 3 of 3 🙂

In the third part of this series, I express the harm the nutritional guidelines can have on American fertility. As a health coach, I believe the guidelines advertise corporate interest by buying its way into our governmental bodies, distorting information on health, prioritizing profits, and destroying the conception potential of the American people.

I know it sounds crazy, but I believe our government guidelines result in poor fertility outcomes for both men & women. Telling American women & couples of reproductive age that soy is an appropriate replacement for dairy and animal proteins does a tragic disservice to our hormones and nutrient needs. Not only does soy cause disruption to adults, but it harms the hormonal development of babies in the womb. Promoting soy as a high-quality food staple does nothing for the American people, but does everything to promote the soy & plant-protein industries.

The guidelines also promote the consumption of polyunsaturated oils, otherwise known as vegetable oils & industrial seed oils. These oils are packed with omega-6 fatty acids which cause inflammation and oxidation. These oils do everything but promote heart health, as they are often espoused to do. As a result of the carelessness of our food system, we remain sick, overweight, exhausted, riddled with autoimmune issues, hormonal disregulation, chronic disease, infertility, and metabolic dysfunction- as if we don't already have enough to worry about as Americans right now.


My Unconventional Approach to Reading Food Labels as a Health Coach


Why the Nutritional Guidelines Harm Fertility, According to a Health Coach (Part 2)